1. Manufactured Size
- Mono LCD: 1 ~ 10 inch
- TFT LCD : 2 ~ 55inch
2. Cementation Method
3. New development possible according to customer request

1. Manufactured Size
- OGS, G/G Type:3 ~ 55Inch
2. Product Form
- 2D(Flat Type), 3d(Curved Type)
3. Cementation Method
4. New development possible according to customer request

1. Manufactured Size
- 5~80inch
2. Product Form
- 2D(Flat Type), 3d(Curved Type) : 5~80Inch
3. New development possible according to customer request

* New development possible according to customer request
- 석영봉 ( Quartz Rod )

- 석영판 ( Quartz Plate )

- 석영튜브 ( Quartz Tube )
